Gosen Community Effort has funded high school costs for 62 scholars since 2011.
Gosen Community Effort funded 19 new scholars in 2019:
Alugodhi Jacobina
Amukugo Salomo
Amutenya Patricia
Fillipus Sakeus
Hamutenja Junior
Iyambo Messias
Kalomo Abiatar
Kambungu Joel
Kaukemwa Justine
Makili Ester
Nashikaku Kristophina
Ndahangetate Helena
Nepando Ismael
Shikongo Nehemia
Simon Jeremia
Titus Aily
If you're wondering who's who in the photo then best to refer to this here blog post instead.
Alugodhi Jacobina
Amukugo Salomo
Amutenya Patricia
Fillipus Sakeus
Hamutenja Junior
Iyambo Messias
Kalomo Abiatar
Kambungu Joel
Kaukemwa Justine
Makili Ester
Nashikaku Kristophina
Ndahangetate Helena
Nepando Ismael
Shikongo Nehemia
Simon Jeremia
Titus Aily
If you're wondering who's who in the photo then best to refer to this here blog post instead.
Gosen Community Effort funded 4 new scholars in 2018:
Angombe Selma
Haimbodi Julia
Iyambo Johanna
Mwaedange Asteria
They are pictured from left to right.
Angombe Selma
Haimbodi Julia
Iyambo Johanna
Mwaedange Asteria
They are pictured from left to right.
Gosen Community Effort funded 15 new scholars in 2017:
Elago Kefas
Hamukwaya Hendrina
Hituwamhata Erastus
Inasiu Shivute
Ipinge Anna
Iyambo Jackson
Kapuka Tomas
Matheus Justina
Mutilifa Jambeinge
Nambahu Benedictus
Ndengu Maria
Nghifenwa Lucia
Nesmus Beatha
Shikongo Martha
Shidweda Lydia
Pictured from left to right are Beatha, Erastus, Lucia, Benedictus, Martha, and Maria.
Elago Kefas
Hamukwaya Hendrina
Hituwamhata Erastus
Inasiu Shivute
Ipinge Anna
Iyambo Jackson
Kapuka Tomas
Matheus Justina
Mutilifa Jambeinge
Nambahu Benedictus
Ndengu Maria
Nghifenwa Lucia
Nesmus Beatha
Shikongo Martha
Shidweda Lydia
Pictured from left to right are Beatha, Erastus, Lucia, Benedictus, Martha, and Maria.
Gosen Community Effort funded 7 new scholars in 2016:
Hamalwa Phillemon
Kangumu Rhys
Nghiryemata Sonia
Petrus Johannes
Phillipus Samia
Shifeta Kristof
Uuta Frans
Pictured from left to right are Frans, Rhys, Sonia, Johannes, and Phillemon.
Hamalwa Phillemon
Kangumu Rhys
Nghiryemata Sonia
Petrus Johannes
Phillipus Samia
Shifeta Kristof
Uuta Frans
Pictured from left to right are Frans, Rhys, Sonia, Johannes, and Phillemon.

Gosen Community Effort funded 11 new scholars in 2015:
Immanuel Ester
Matheus Gabriel
Matias Vilho
Nangombe Fredson
Petrus David
Sakarias David
Samuel Ernest
Sheepo Sakaria
Sheepo Sakeus
Shilunga Beata
Uugwanga Martha
Pictured from left to right are Earnest, Ester, David P., Beata, and Sakaria.

Gosen Community Effort funded three new scholars in 2014:
Hikongwa Josef
Kiimba Jacob
Nekoto Salathiel
Pictured above are Salathiel on the left and Jacob on the right.

Gosen Community Effort funded ten new scholars in 2013:
Ashipala Hilya Habelela
Hamakali Adelheid
Imbili Frieda Nolapewa
Kakonda Johannes
Mwaendange Mateus
Negonga Jermia
Nghifikwa James
Nghinaunye Felisia
Shihepo Jeremia
Shikuma Samuel
Pictured from left to right are Hilya, Frieda, Johannes, Jeremia, James, and Samuel.

Gosen Community Effort funded five new scholars in 2012:
Pictured from left to right are:
Fillipus Tresia Tuhafeni
Iipinge Petrus
Lungameni Samuel
Matheus Gerhard
Ndengu Jona

Gosen Community Effort funded seven scholars in 2011:
Amutenya Kenisia
David Remesia
Iita Selma
Imene Johannes
Nashikaku Thomas
Nghife Timoteus
Nghihongelwa Andreas
Pictured above from left to right are Kenisia, Johannes, Thomas, and Andreas.
Previous Support
GCE grew out of the informal support we gave to two previous Gosen students who needed assistance with their university fees.
GCE grew out of the informal support we gave to two previous Gosen students who needed assistance with their university fees.

Fillemon Petrus
Petrus earned the highest JSC scores in the entire Onyaanya Circuit and studied for two years at Namibia Polytechnic before earning a scholarship to the Cape Peninsula University of Technology outside of Cape Town, South Africa, from where he graduated in March 2014. He is currently employed as an engineer with Namsov Fishing Enterprises in Walvis Bay, Namibia.
Petrus earned the highest JSC scores in the entire Onyaanya Circuit and studied for two years at Namibia Polytechnic before earning a scholarship to the Cape Peninsula University of Technology outside of Cape Town, South Africa, from where he graduated in March 2014. He is currently employed as an engineer with Namsov Fishing Enterprises in Walvis Bay, Namibia.

Alugodhi Gabriel
Gabriel scored 40 of a possible 42 points on his JSC exams and recently graduated from UNAM, Namibia’s flagship university, with a degree in civil engineering. Gabriel also assists GCE with on-the-ground logistics such as submitting actual payment to the schools and collecting grade reports from our scholars.
Gabriel scored 40 of a possible 42 points on his JSC exams and recently graduated from UNAM, Namibia’s flagship university, with a degree in civil engineering. Gabriel also assists GCE with on-the-ground logistics such as submitting actual payment to the schools and collecting grade reports from our scholars.